Multi Clip

Multi Clip
Multi Clip
Multi Clip
  • KEEPING YOUR PEG TIDY: The Multiclip can be easily affixed to any object; various fishing utensils can be attached to lower hook.
  • ALL-ROUND USE: The Multiclip can be used flexibly on a boat or on the bank and keeps your fishing equipment ready to hand.


All-round retaining tool for storing and hanging essential items of equipment on a peg or in a boat. Two flexible retaining clips allow various items of equipment to be affixed and hung up to keep your peg tidy. Perfect for hanging lamps in a tent or on a peg, for drying gloves on a boat, etc.




Code Model RRP €*
image 6241 001 Multi Clip 2.90 £

Multi Clip

Code RRP €*
6241 001 2.90 £


All-round retaining tool for storing and hanging essential items of equipment on a peg or in a boat. Two flexible retaining clips allow various items of equipment to be affixed and hung up to keep your peg tidy. Perfect for hanging lamps in a tent or on a peg, for drying gloves on a boat, etc.

Multi Clip

Catfish angling – an extreme adventure that calls for extraordinary equipment. The ‘Black Cat’ collection by renowned Stefan Seuß delivers everything you could wish for in this hardcore pursuit and has been tested against the toughest opponents swimming in Europe’s rivers.
