25,49 USD
Ready-made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link, which is an absolute must when pike fishing in particular. Features & details ...
Valutazione (1) · 10,39 USD · Disponibile
Zebco Quality Trophy Steel Leader 1x7 Standard Safe Leader Material Spin Fishing Accessories Pike Fishing 6-15kg ; Ships from. Amazon Global Store UK ; Sold by.
Valutazione (1)
Ready-made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link, which is an absolute must when pike fishing in particular. If you are looking ...
Valutazione (1)
Ready-made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link, which is an absolute must when pike fishing in particular. Are you thinking of ...
6,68 USD Disponibile
The fully assembled steel leader with single hooks of the right size for your target fish. An absolute guarantee for fishing for pike perch, ...
Mancanti: Standard | Deve includere:Standard
6,57 USD
Steel leader court ready to use with a matching swivel canon and a stable snap hook, which is an absolute must, especially for pike fishing.
Ready made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link which is an absolute must when Pike Fishing in particular.
Ready-made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link, which is an absolute must when pike fishing in particular.
Ready-made short steel leader with matching barrel swivel and a robust snap link, which is an absolute must when pike fishing in particular.